Archive for March, 2014

Why am I so Blessed?

My life is awesome, I love it and I want to make the most of what God has given me.

Why am I the one who receives all these choice blessings though?

I was raised in a home with two parents who loved us, we never seriously struggled financially, our extended family was supportive. I was given the freedom to choose what activities I wanted to do and what friends I wanted.

I was given every opportunity to do activities in high school, I was raised in a home where I was taught about Christ and his Gospel from a very young age.


I’m not any more special than the homeless man we see whenever we go to Walmart to shop, I’m not more valuable than the criminal facing 10 years in prison, than the prostitute who was forced into that sort of living.

I’m just like them, we’re all children of our Heavenly Father.

Christ and a Child

So why?

Why we’re they not born into loving homes comparable to mine?

Why are there children born who will struggle every day to fight off hunger and sickness while I have been given so much.
I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, I wish I did but I don’t.

All I know is I am blessed, extremely blessed and odds are so are you.

Maybe I’m blessed and others are not cause our Father knew they were strong enough to get through those things and I am not. Maybe it’s because I needed to learn certain lessons only learned in a life of safety while they needed to learn the opposite.
And maybe we’re all in our own situations because of our predecessors choices.

God has given is this amazing gift of Free Agency. The ability to choose, to learn good from evil.

Sadly while that gift can being amazing learning and blessings it can also bring devastating results. One mans actions brought the world to its knees, and so it is today.

Just think of a world where everyone loved one another, where each and every human being was seen as a child of God. There would be no domestic violence, no wars, no unloved children.

It’d be glorious.

So today I want you all, to go out of your way to be kind. Remember that everyone is your brother and sister. Absolutely everyone.

Yes even that driver who just cut you off as you we’re getting I work.

Yes even that man who you find so very very creepy.

Yes even that woman who you know could be better if she just tried.

Yes even that murderer who was just sentenced to life in prison.

They are still your Heavenly Parents children.

They’ve made a few mistakes, so have you, love them all the same.

I know there is a plan to get us all through life, that Jesus Christ is the Savior and that through him we can be healed.

In Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

Never Give Up

Sorry its been so long since I posted anything, sometimes stuff comes up as a missionary and you just don’t get all the things done you want to.


Regardless you shouldn’t give up.


Giving up is one of the worst things you can ever possibly do in life. Giving up on your dreams, you love, on life or hope.


So often people dream, they want to be awesome and great and have fun.


For today will you look up, remember that you can be great. You are a child of God after all, its your heritage.


Don’t give up on your dreams, goals because you can reach them. You can do all that you set your mind to, just keep going, by doing the small and simple things and persistently doing that which is good we will reach what we are working towards.


Be happy, remember God, work hard.


After all as that wise prophet Nephi has said,


Life isn’t meant to be endured, its meant to be lived.